Don't Ignore Lead Paint
And don’t ignore lead inspection notices — it could be dangerous, costly, or illegal! We will help you make sense of the laws, perform the testing you need, and understand your next steps.

Conducted by our state-certified lead inspector, this service involves a surface-by-surface investigation of an entire property to determine the presence and location of lead-based paint.
We also include a comprehensive report that explains the results of the investigation.
A Lead Risk Inspection includes identifying exposures to lead or potential exposures to lead from deteriorated lead-based paint, elevated surface dust levels, lead contaminated soil, and sometimes from drinking water. The inspection includes a report that describes recommendations for abatement (long-term) and interim controls (short-term) for each identified lead based paint hazard.
Lead Inspection Risk Assessments (LIRA) are required by federal, state, or local law In some circumstances for certain property types (day care centers, for example). A LIRA identifies potential hazards associated with lead and lists the required actions that must be taken to correct the identified issues.
If you’ve had a lead hazard and corrected the issue, the state of Michigan requires that you also pass a Lead Clearance Examination to ensure that a property no longer has lead hazards. (This must be conducted within 6 months of the initial inspection.)
We offer Environmental Investigations in response to a person who is found to have an elevated blood lead level (EBL). This is a very extensive test including all materials in the property and interviews with anyone associated with the property. Michigan law requires an accredited EBL investigator perform the investigation.
Unless you are a certified lead paint inspector within the state of Michigan, you cannot conduct your own inspections. We have more than 20 certified lead inspectors and offer comprehensive lead hazard assessment services.
Lead Certification Benefits
As an accredited training provider for EPA, OSHA, and HUD certifications, we offer lead safety (RRP) training and certifications, as well as asbestos training, and OSHA and HAZWOPER compliance courses.
If you schedule a lead-risk assessment, get 25% off lead training courses.
Become lead-certified so you can maintain your property on your own.
Renovation, Repair & Painting (RRP) training this allows you to do any kind of maintenance on buildings older than 1979.
With more than 30 years of experience and commitment to human health and safety, we know how to find solutions to complex problems.
We pride ourselves on doing everything we can to meet each customer’s unique needs while limiting liability and minimizing cost.